Seafarers an d dockers workers unions in India an d Sri Lan ka launched a week long industrial action (22-26 November), against `Flags of Convenience’ (FOC) shipping. ITF Inspectors an d union activists at all major ports in India launched investigation of ships, crew contracts, an d working an d living conditions on board FOC ships, notorious for employing seafarers on exploitative conditions.
24 mercan tile vessels were inspected by union teams today in various Indian ports an d Colombo. Joint dockers an d seafarers action in Mumbai led to the signing of an ITF approved agreement on board m.v Lugela, ensuring respectable wages an d decent work conditions to the crew. The ship is owned by Kori Shipping Compan y in Greece but flies the Pan ama flag an d employs Ukrainian seafarers on board an d. It is ships like these which fly the flag of a country other than of its ownership an d even employing crew of a third nation, which are classified as flag of convenience (FOC) ships. Ship-owners use FOC registers for man y reasons for example, cheap registration fees, low or no tax payment an d the freedom to employ crew on poor salary an d terms of work conditions.
Elsewhere in Paradip on board m.t Magnum Force (Marshall Islan ds flag) an d Chennai on board m.v Sun Glory (Pan ama flag) the Union teams were met with stiff resistan ce from the Captain who refused to divulge an y information about the crew wage an d employment contracts on board their ships. ITF Inspector in Visakhapatnam an d his team of activists inspected 6 ships in port. They have initiated negotiations with a Hong Kong based shipping compan y to sign an agreement to improve crew wages an d working conditions an d served notice of warning on board m.v Xinda (Pan ama flag). In Haldia the union activists took action deman ding renewal of a crew agreement which had expired in March 2010 on board m.v Harries (Marshall Islan ds flag) an d owned in USA. In Tuticorin port the Union activists discovered that ITF approved agreement on board covered only 13 of the 18 crew members on board m.v Beluga Endeavour (Antigua & Barbuda flag).
Mean while in Colombo port the ITF Inspector kept up pressure on m.v OEL Dubai (Pan ama flag) which is owned in Dubai an d employs Indian crew. This year’s week of Action is specially targeting ships owned an d or operated by compan ies in the UAE. Countries in this region have no culture or respect for trade unions an d employ seafarers on very exploitative terms an d conditions. They are known to evade legal or social responsibilities with more impunity than other FOC owners.
For more information contact Mahendra Sharma, San gam Tripathy or Jasvinder Singh at ITF Delhi Office : Tel: 23354408, 23357423, 23717669
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