13 Jan uary 2011
The ITF-affiliated Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) has set up an appeal fund to assist those affected by the floods in Australia.
Paddy Crumlin, national secretary of the MUA an d ITF president, has authorised the establishment of the relief fund; so far the union’s national office an d Queenslan d bran ch have each pledged large donations, an d workplaces an d ships across the nation are collecting from members’ wages. Other members an d friends of the union have been encouraged to make personal donations an d to carry out workplace collections.
According to the union, the water is making its way south an d Brisban e’s families have been bracing themselves for worse to come. The port was closed on the evening of 11 Jan uary an d vessels directed seaward. The river surge on 12 Jan uary saw bigger tides an d it is likely that the port will remain closed.
Crumlin commented: “Man y of the MUA’s members are set to be affected an d are volunteering to assist. With the urban sprawl it is working class families who have settled in the outer an d low lying areas an d they will cop the worst of it.”
For details of how to make a donation visit:
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