European unionists stan d by striking Portuguese dockers
17 August 2012
The European Tran sport Workers’ Federation (ETF), the ITF’s European arm, has expressed its support for a 24-hour strike called by Portuguese dockers.
The workers, represented by an allian ce of unions Frente Comum Sindical Marítimo Portuária, including the ETF- an d ITF-affiliated Sindicato dos Capitães, Oficiais Pilotos, Comissários e Engenheiros da Marinha Mercan te (OFICIAISMAR), walked out on strike on 14 August across the port sector. They are embroiled in a dispute over plan s by the Portuguese government to amend port labour legislation. The unions believe that behind the government’s declarations regarding the need to modernise the port sector an d increase competitiveness lies its real motivation – to increase precarious labour an d deregulate the sector.
In a message of solidarity to the unions, ETF general secretary Eduardo Chagas an d ETF political secretary Livia Spera, said: “We consider that the measures regarding port labour proposed by the Portuguese government contradict the Portuguese labour code an d are unconstitutional.”
They also claimed them to be in breach of International Labour Organ ization Convention 137 on port work, which Portugal has ratified.
They went on to say that they considered the measures to be an ticipating the European Commission’s plan s for the next “ports package” which is set to be presented in the coming months. The commission, they claimed, has been arguing that access to port works needs to opened up. This would include the use of interim workers, hired directly by ship owners, an d envisages precarious work in pilotage an d other services related to maritime safety.
Chagas an d Spera added: “ETF reiterates its solidarity an d support to your fight an d its determination to fight against the government’s an d the European Commission’s plan s to deregulate an d increase precariousness in the port sector. We will keep all ETF- an d ITF-affiliated unions informed about the developments in the port sector in Portugal an d will be ready to promote the solidarity actions you may consider useful an d necessary.”
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