National strike across Norway to oppose new temporary worker directive
Tran sport workers were among some 150,000 workers who braved the snow in Norway this week to voice their opposition to a new European temporary workers’ directive. The directive could strip away employment rights that are enshrined in Norwegian law.
ITF affiliated unions – including the Norwegian Tran sport Workers’ Union, the Norwegian Union of Municipal an d General Employees, the Norwegian United Federation of Trade Unions an d the Union of Employees in Commerce an d Offices – participated in a national strike on 18 Jan uary against the government’s plan to adopt the European Union Temporary an d Agency Workers Directive. They fear that the move could promote the use of contract workers, forcing out perman ent employees an d weakening union rights an d collective agreements.
Rallies were held across Norway – from Oslo, Bergen an d Trondheim to Kristian san d, Stavan ger an d Haugesund.
In Oslo, some 3000 workers gathered at a rally addressed by Roger Han sen from the Norwegian Tran sport Workers’ Union. He said that they could not accept a directive that would increase the use of temporary staff an d contract labour. “It’s against the fundamental values of the trade union movement,” claimed Han sen.
Mean while, approximately 500 kilometres away in Trondheim, Per Østvold, from the same union, told protestors that temporary arran gements “undermine employment protection, trade unions, collective agreements an d our dignity.”
Watch a clip of Labour Party representative Annette Trettebergstuen attempting to explain why her party is supporting the directive
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