Action week sweeps Baltic Sea ports
6 September 2012
The ITF’s latest maritime action week is under way in the ports of all the countries bordering the Baltic Sea.
Joint docker/seafarer/ITF inspector teams are checking ships in Denmark, Estonia, Finlan d, German y, Latvia, Lithuan ia, Norway, Polan d, Russia an d Sweden are checking conditions an d pay on ships across the region. They are also aiming to show to seafarers the benefits of belonging to a trade union.
On the action week’s first day 49 ships were visited, an d by midweek backpay had been recovered for crews in Denmark, Norway, Finlan d Russia an d German y an d backpay recovery was under way in Lithuan ia an d Polan d. In Norway a 24 hour boycott of a vessel led to the owners signing an ITF agreement to abide by decent pay an d working hours regulations.
The week of action finishes on Friday with more successes expected.
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