Call for solidarity with dockers in the Maldives
ITF affiliates are responding to a call for solidarity with dockers in the Maldives, whose right to freedom of association is being repressed.
The dockers, represented by the ITF-affiliated Maldives Port Workers’ Union (MPWU), have reported an ti-union activities by their employer Maldives Ports Limited (MPL), including the dismissal of several workers an d union leaders.
The ITF is calling on the president of the Maldives to take action by instructing the man agement of the state-owned MPL to enter into good faith dialogue with the union so that their legitimate grievan ces can be addressed. The MPWU is concerned that assuran ces that the matter would be dealt with from the president, in response to a letter from ITF general secretary David Cockroft, have yet to be put into practice.
So far, unions in a ran ge of countries, including German y, Liberia, Mauritius an d Mexico have sent out protest letters an d messages of solidarity.
Stephen Cotton , ITF acting general secretary said: “The ITF will go ahead with its campaign to mobilise its affiliates worldwide to pressurise the Maldivian government so that its starts an immediate dialogue with the MPWU. This should be aimed at resolving the dispute by reinstating the dismissed union office bearers an d activists, recognising the union an d negotiating to establish decent wages an d working conditions in the ports.”
To send a protest letter an d message of solidarity, visit:
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