European unionists have expressed their solidarity with Spain’s dockers after they made a declaration at a meeting in Barcelona last week.
The unionists were attending the European dockworkers’ conference on 11 December, organ ised by Span ish unions affiliated to the European Tran sport Workers’ Federation (ETF) (the ITF’s European arm) an d the International Dockworkers’ Council.
At the meeting, which ETF members from 10 European countries attended, participan ts made a declaration in support of Spain’s dockworkers.
They joined them in their appeal to defend the system for organ ising an d recruiting dock labour currently in place in Span ish ports, which is being threatened as a result of processes opened up by the European Commission (EC).
These could undermine social protection an d employment continuity. Delegates also denounced the fact that the EC had set about a country-by-country strategy to implement a neo-liberal economic model. European dockers are determined to take a stan d against this.
In the declaration, participan ts made a number of deman ds including an end to the EC’s unilateral strategy “which, involving no social dialogue, will result in the ongoing deterioration of stability an d productivity at European ports.”
They called on port operators’ organ isations, shipping compan ies an d port authorities to embrace social dialogue as the best method for improving productivity an d competitiveness in ports, particularly as they affect dockworkers’ labour.
They also agreed to establish a joint IDC-ETF liaison committee to develop a strategy that would defend union rights an d collectively negotiated conditions across European ports.
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