Kõigil Töötajatel on Õigus olla esindatud Ametiühingu poolt!

Kõigil Töötajatel on Õigus olla esindatud Ametiühingu poolt!
У всех Работников есть Право быть представленными Профсоюзом!

четверг, 21 апреля 2016 г.

ETF and ITF Dockers’ Section News


Polish ETF affiliate Solidarność has signed yesterday, 20 April 2016, a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with Deepwater Container Terminal (DCT) Gdansk. This settles a long lasting dispute between the port and its workforce including complaints from the union over victimisation and harassment by the employer and the firing of union leaders.


The agreement follows demonstrations at DCT Gdansk and in other European countries with support from the European and global trade union community. The CBA, valid until 31 March 2019, covers pay rates, hours of work, holidays and general conditions for 600 workers at the fast-growing new terminal in northern Poland. The port seeks to become the main gateway to Russia and central Europe and opens next year a second terminal providing jobs for 1,500 workers.

ETF and ITF dockers’ section vice-chair Torben Seebold said: “We are pleased that our brothers and sisters in Gdansk have won their battle to secure a voice in their workplace. The ITF and ETF family has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with them as they have fought against the belligerent and intimidatory tactics of previous management. A change in management at DCT Gdansk was overdue and now we are hopeful that dockers there can have better standards that are consistent with those in neighbouring countries. It is no less than they deserve. We are sending out an important message to all port owners; we will not let you get away with trying to drive down pay and conditions by building new ports and employing cheap labour.”


ETF dockers’ section chair Terje Samuelsen concluded: “We are extremely proud of the victory of our Polish members. This is a great example of international solidarity among transport workers".


© European Transport Workers' Federation

Galerie AGORA, Rue du Marché aux Herbes 105, Boîte 11, B - 1000 Bruxelles

 +32 2 285 46 60


Celebration as Polish dockers’ union wins new deal


“The ITF family has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with them as they have fought against the belligerent and intimidatory tactics of previous management. We are hopeful that dockers there can have better standards that are consistent with those in neighbouring countries. It is no less than they deserve.”



That from ITF dockers’ section vice-chair Torben Seebold after a collective bargaining agreement was signed between ITF-affiliated Polish dockers’ union Solidarność and Deepwater Container Terminal (DCT) Gdansk.


It brings an end to a bitter three-year dispute that has included complaints from the union over victimisation and harassment by the employer and the firing of union leaders. There has been support from the global trade union community with demonstrations at DCT Gdansk and in other European countries targeting the bank that owns the port, Macquarie.


The historic agreement, valid until 31 March 2019, covers pay rates, hours of work, holidays and general conditions for 600 workers at the fast-growing new terminal in northern Poland.

A second terminal is due to open next year and the workforce will grow to 1500 workers as the port seeks to become the main gateway to Russia and central Europe.


Seebold said: “We are sending out an important message to all port owners; we will not let you get away with trying to drive down pay and conditions by building new ports and employing cheap labour.”

четверг, 14 апреля 2016 г.

Работник порта погиб на рабочем месте.

Читатель Delfi: в Южном порту Палдиски погиб рабочий

13 апреля 2016 11:47


Как сообщил читатель Delfi, в среду, 13 апреля, между 10 и 11 часами в Южном порту Палдиски погиб рабочий.

"На рабочем месте убило механика. Стропили деталь тягача. Он залез под него, стропу срезало об острые края детали. Он погиб сразу", — рассказал читатель.

"Боюсь, что это происшествие тоже замнут. Это уже не первый случай. Правда, к счастью, в других случаях докера остались живы, получив разную степень увечий или инвалидность", — добавил обеспокоенный читатель.

По его словам, на месте происшествия находятся машины спасателей и полиция.
комментарий на комментарии:
Приносим соболезнования родным и близким погибшего.
EMSA скорбит вместе с коллегами и работниками ESTEVE Terminal AS.
Постараюсь ответить комментаторам под никами "Палдиски" и "профсоюз докеров":
Профсоюз - это объединение работников, которые помогают друг другу защищать своё право на безопасный труд и социальные гарантии, - это раз.
В Эстонии нет отдельного профсоюза докеров, есть Отделение Работников Порта при Независимом Профсоюзе Моряков Эстонии (www.emsa.ee) - которое занимается поддержкой неокрепшего Объединения Докеров, в котором находится 130 членов, платящих взносы из работников пяти стивидорных компаний, из Портов Таллинна и 23 докера, с биржи труда, - это два.
И три - за два года EMSA поднял волну об ужасном положении дел с техникой безопасности во всех крупных стивидорных компаниях и в Мууга, и в Таллинне, и в Палдиски, - после гибели механика на контейнерном терминале в 2014 году!
Письма были отправленны уже осенью 2014 как руководителям компаний, так и в Трудовую Инспекцию - нам ответели, что везде всё ОК, а у Трудовой Инспекции нет ресурсов для проверки предприятий по тем пунктам, которые были указаны в нашем обращении.
Профсоюз EMSA судится с Esteve по делу несчастного случая на предприятии в 2013 и последствий последовавших за этим случаем, судится с Transiidikeskuse за незаконное увольнение Доверенного лица.
Активисты Отделения Работников Порта, Доверенные лица профсоюза и Уполномоченные по охране труда в портах начали кампанию по сбору данных о нарушениях ТБ и неисправностях с техникой.
На Esteve в Палдиски из трёх Уполномоченных по охране труда, только один член EMSA. Двум Уполномоченным было предложено тесное сотрудничество, но представитель гаража отказался от совместной работы. Поэтому мы имеем то, что имеем.
В завершении скажу,
что на Transiidikeskuse, после отчаянной борьбы за свои права Докеры получили от Работодателя строховку жизни на 20 000 евро и с осени 2015 этот пункт внесён в Коллективный Договор предприятия.
После гибели техника на пассажирском терминале в Порту Таллинна в феврале 2015 года семья погибшего получила страховку в размере 10 000 евро согласно Коллективного Договора.
Пусть каждый делает выводы сам.
Но если я не буду думать о своей семье, то никто не будет.

13.04.16 hukkus Paldiski lõunasadamas tööline

Täna hommikul 13.04.16 hukkus Paldiski lõunasadamas tööline

13. aprill 2016 14:31

Maris Meiessaar


Täna, 13. aprillil kella 10 ja 11 vahel juhtus Paldiski lõunasadamas tööõnnetus, milles hukkus tööline.

„Töökohal sai surma mehaanik. Rihmadega kinnitati traktori detaili. Ta ronis selle alla, detaili teravad nurgad lõikasid rihmad läbi. Ta hukkus silmapilkselt,“ kirjeldas Delfi lugeja juhtunut. „See ei ole siin esimene taoline juhtum. Tõsi küll, õnneks teistel juhtudel jäid laevalaadijad – saanud erinevaid vigastusi või invaliidsuse tasemeid – siiski ellu.“

Lugeja sõnul viibivad sündmuskohal päästeamet ja politsei. „Politsei on kohapeal ja tegeleb hetkel asjaolude täpsema väljaselgitamisega,“ kinnitas Delfile ka politsei pressiesindaja Viktoria Korpan.

Tööinspektsiooni meedianõunik Kristel Abel kinnitas Delfile, et inspektsioon on juhtunust teadlik ning uurimine käib.

AS-i Tallina Sadam turundus- ja kommunikatsiooniosakonna juhataja Sirle Arro sõnul oli hukkunu sadamaoperaatori Esteve Terminal AS töötaja. "Avaldame omalt poolt siirast kaastunnet lahkunu omastele ja kolleegidele. Oleme mõeldes lahkunule langetanud Paldiski lõunasadamas lipu poolde masti," sõnas Arro.

вторник, 12 апреля 2016 г.

The future of maritime activism

Maritime Roundtable 2016: The future of maritime activism

The Maritime Roundtable (MRT) 2016 will take place in Montreal, Canada 20-23 September 2016.

MRT 2016 is about providing activists and future leaders with the chance to:

          input fresh ideas and contribute to shaping the future of ITF maritime campaigns.

          learn how to increase union power and strengthen their unions.

          learn more about the ITF, the flags of convenience (FOC) campaign and dockers’ campaigns

          build links and share knowledge and experiences with other maritime unions from around the world.

A participant from MRT 2012 in Casablanca said:

“It was a very positive event and are we planning to stay in contact with fellow participants from other countries. This was the start of involvement in the ITF for me. It is like a new family to work with in the future! We have not been involved in the FOC Campaign so far, but that's about to change.”

If you are interested in joining MRT 2016, you must:

          be an active member of an ITF affiliated maritime union.

          be interested in campaigning.

          speak English, French or Spanish.

The ITF particularly encourages applications from women and under-35s.

If you think you fit the bill please express your interest by filling out this form.

You must also get in touch with your union leadership – they have to approve your attendance at the event. If we do not hear from them you will not be able to come.

ITF Dockers News

ITF Maersk network to set out priorities ahead of company AGM


Trade unions who are part of the ITF Maersk network will meet in Copenhagen, Denmark this week to discuss the next steps in supporting transport workers employed by the maritime conglomerate.


The network is made up of transport unions that represent maritime workers on vessels and in ports owned or operated by a Maersk Group company.

The network’s objectives, in addition to strengthening the cooperation amongst affiliates within Maersk, is to ensure that all container vessels owned or chartered by Maersk are covered by an ITF approved agreement, to establish union training and development to support new unions in APM terminals and to ensure a genuine and practical engagement between Maersk and the ITF and its affiliates internationally and nationally.

Representatives from the network will attend Maersk’s annual general meeting, also taking place in the Danish capital.

ITF maritime coordinator Jacqueline Smith said:  Maersk is a leading maritime industry player with not only a great responsibility for the seafarers and dockers who work for them worldwide, but also as an international and national social partner in the improvement of conditions for maritime workers.”

Update: During the Maersk network meeting it was announced that Maersk has agreed that it will ensure that any vessel it charters has an ITF or similar agreement – which puts in place protections for crews on flag of convenience ships – covering it.
Find out more