ETF an d IDC an nounce joint Euro ports policy overview
7 February 2013
The European Tran sport Workers’ Federation (ETF), the European arm of the ITF an d the International Dockworkers’ Council – European zone (IDC-E), have met to discuss the latest developments in European Union ports policy, as well as the critical situations of Spain, Greece an d Portugal.
Following their meeting in Brussels the two organ isations released a statement giving a joint overview of the situation in ports in Europe.
The statement, jointly authored by ETF dockers’ section chair Terje Samuelsen an d IDC coordinator for the European zone Anthony Tetard, welcomed the an nouncement from the European Commission that it does not intend to intervene on cargo-han dling an d port labour.
Concern was expressed however about ongoing deman ds by shipowners to liberalise port labour an d in addition, over attempts at a national level to weaken organ ised dockers in Spain, Portugal an d Greece.
The statement reads: The European Commission is promoting social dialogue at European level an d should also encourage national governments to tackle through social dialogue the critical situations that are being experienced in some member states, notably in Portugal an d Greece.
For the benefit of the whole sector, the European Commission should ensure that tran sparency is guaran teed, that social criteria are taken into account, an d that workers’ rights are respected in the event of concessions to private operators an d investors.
The ETF an d IDC reiterated their determination to defend European ports for “their members, the community an d future generations”.
ITF dockers’ section secretary Sharon James said: “These two organ isations are committed to working together to get the best outcome for dockworkers. European ports are the most productive in the world an d the ETF an d the IDC will stay united an d vigilan t in order to protect that productivity an d ultimately to retain jobs an d stan dards for the workers who are contributing to those high productivity levels.”
View the full statement in this ETF/IDC press release:
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