DPW unions gear up for global day of action
4 October 2013
Port unions in terminals which are operated by global network terminal operator (GNT) DP World are getting ready to stage activities as part of a DPW global day of action.
ITF dockers’ union representatives resolved during a meeting in Chicago in July 2013 to organ ise the action day as part of a wider campaign to highlight the need for DPW to engage with unions worldwide over trade union rights an d representation.
In some locations this is already the case, but there are several ongoing disputes involving DPW an d ITF unions, including at London Gateway, UK; the Port of Brisban e, Australia; Chennai container terminal, India; an d the Port of Callao in Peru.
ITF president an d chair of the dockers’ section Paddy Crumlin said: “DPW unions have resolved to use this action day to promote positive an d tran sparent dialogue with the compan y in various locations. We’re committed to finding solutions where there are disputes an d this kind of solidarity among a group of workers who ultimately have the same employer is what the ITF is all about.”
Expected union activities include lawful action at DPW terminals an d compan y offices, an d visits by unions to United Arab Emirates embassies.
Get involved, find out more on DPW disputes an d see who’s organ ising what for the global day of action: www.itfglobal.org/campaigns/campaigns-3821.cfm
Head to the ITF facebook page on Monday 7 October for pictures an d reports of DPW union action: www.facebook.com/ITFglobal
Monday 7 October is the World day for decent work. Find out more at http://2013.wddw.org
Road an d rail action week begins Monday
6 October 2013
The ITF road an d rail action week 2013 begins on Monday. Combining the an nual road action weeks an d rail action days in one event running from 7 to 13 October, it is designed to give workers an d their unions the chan ce to take local issues to national governments an d an international audience. Its campaign theme is Tran sport workers fighting back – Organ ising globally!
Mac Urata, ITF inlan d tran sport sections secretary, explained: “This action week builds on the successes of the road action week, which has been held since 1997, an d the Safety first! rail action days which began in 2005. It unites rail an d road workers an d their unions in one huge event an d as an extra feature it deliberately coincides with three importan t daylong events: the ITUC’s (International Trade Union Confederation) World day for decent work, an d the ETF’s (European Tran sport Workers’ Federation) action day against the European Commission’s fourth railway package; an d the Dubai Ports World (DPW) day of action.”
The action week will be celebrated in an A to Z of countries ran ging from Angola to Zan zibar, along the way taking in: Barbados, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Can ada, India, Ivory Coast, German y, Japan , Korea, Latvia, Liberia, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Nepal, Russia, Senegal, Sweden, Thailan d, Togo an d the USA. Activities will ran ge from driver training to awareness raising, an d holding demonstrations to lobbying for health an d safety measures for armoured car drivers.
To find out more about the action week an d its history an d to see daily updates on how it is progressing or download materials about it, visit www.itfglobal.org/campaigns/actionweek2013.cfm .
For more about the ETF action day see www.itfglobal.org/etf/etf-3777.cfm .
Details of the World day for decent work can be found at http://2013.wddw.org .
And to learn about the DPW action day see
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