Tran sport workers fight back during action week
16 October 2013
ITF unions stood up for workers’ rights during the ITF road an d rail action week, which ran from 7-13 October.
This year’s campaign theme, Tran sport workers fighting back: organ ising globally, provided an international spotlight for unions worldwide to highlight issues of local an d national concern. Road an d rail unions in 32 countries used the week to drive home their concerns on issues such as privatisation, liberalisation, driver fatigue, corruption an d health an d safety.
The action week was also linked to three international daylong events, including the seventh an nual World day for decent work, organ ised by the International Trade Union Confederation. ITF affiliates from all over the world took part – you can find out more at .
The second action day during the week was the European Tran sport Workers’ Federation's (ETF) International protest against the European Commission’s proposed Fourth Railway Package. This event provided an opportunity for unions to say no to the privatisation of Europe’s rail networks. Unions demonstrated how the package would impose privatisation on Europe’s rail networks, with the potential to seriously undermine passenger an d worker health an d safety. Unions from countries all across Europe participated in the day, with the united message that the European Commission must respect workers’ rights an d preserve quality railway services an d quality jobs. Find out more at .
The third major event held under the umbrella of the action week saw dockers’ unions take action on Dubai Ports World (DPW) in order to press the global network terminal compan y to listen to its workers an d engage with unions. Find out more, an d check out photos from global actions here.
ITF acting general secretary, Steve Cotton, said: “Last week, ITF affiliates from every corner of the globe sent a strong message to compan ies an d governments worldwide; that tran sport workers are united, tran sport workers are fighting back against the global crisis, an d will play their part in securing global justice.”
Mac Urata, the ITF inlan d tran sport sections secretary, also applauded the global participation by unions in the combined action week, which he described as having blossomed from its roots in the an nual road tran sport action week an d rail action day into this new worldwide event.
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