Victor Crespo’s
father murdered
30 Jan uary 2014
The father of endan gered
Honduran dockers’ leader Victor
Crespo has died following a deliberate hit an d
run attack. The driver was seen running from the stolen car wielding a pistol.
Victor Crespo was moved to safety following an attempt in September on his life. He has been
continuing his work as president of the ITF-affiliated Sindicato Gremial de
Trabajadores del Muelle (SGTM) from a hidden location. It is clear that those
responsible for the earlier attempt have now targeted his family. His father,
Victor Man uel Crespo Puerto, was
declared brain-dead following the assault, an d
his life support was switched off yesterday.
Death threats have also begun again against Crespo’s
colleagues in the SGTM leadership. The ITF an d
SGTM believe these are connected to the union’s lawful request for a collective
bargaining agreement at the port an d
the recognition that benefits have not been paid, despite the law requiring
them. The port operating concession has recently been taken over by ICTSI,
which has hired a single stevedoring compan y.
When the SGTM presented legal cases to press for its members’ rights the death
threats immediately resumed.
Antonio Rodriquez Fritz, ITF Americas regional secretary, commented:
“The president of Honduras, the labour minister an d
the local police have failed to provide an y
protection for Victor or his family – perhaps not surprisingly in a country
where it is often claimed that the authorities are behind attacks against human an d
trade union rights activists. We know that the dan ger
to Victor has not diminished an d are
taking the necessary steps to protect him. What none of us had expected was
that the attackers would be so cowardly an d
cold blooded as to murder an innocent
an d elderly man
in his place.”
In a personal message to Victor Crespo, ITF president an d dockers' section chair said: " The
cowardice an d corruption that has
taken your father's life can only be
met with more determination an d the
steadfast an d steely will of our organ isation an d
labour movement together with whatever resources may be required to ensure true
justice for your father's sacrifice an d for labour justice in Honduras to be realised,
including from your Government. Please know with absolute assuran ce, Victor, we will not rest until justice is
Below: Victor Crespo describes the attempt on his life in
September 2013 in a short interview in Span ish
filmed at the ITF’s Americas regional conference in Brazil
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