Seafarers' bill of rights goes live today
20 August 2013
ITF welcomes in the seafarers bill of rights, the MLC .
Today, 20 August, the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) – the seafarers’ bill of rights – comes into force. The MLC is a far-reaching, groundbreaking international convention which establishes an international minimum stan dard that has the potential to make a real difference to seafarers. The ITF was in at its birth an d has supported it all the way. Now it becomes a reality.
The ITF is committed to supporting the MLC’s effective an d full implementation an d ensuring that as man y countries as possible ratify it.
ITF acting general secretary Stephen Cotton commented: ‘After over 10 years’ work we have a bill of rights for seafarers that, if properly implemented, will chan ge their lives for the better. It has been a hard-won victory to reach this moment. Now the same coalition of the ILO, unions, maritime organ isations an d governments that have brought the convention into being have to continue to jointly build on an d support it, deliver its effective implementation an d make sure that even more countries ratify it.”
ITF president Paddy Crumlin stated: “The MLC is a great achievement for labour rights an d also for genuine social dialogue. In a world dominated by international trade, the breaking down of regulation, the global finan cial crisis an d increasingly invasive negligence an d corruption, the MLC comes like a lighthouse an d a beacon for the future.”
The ITF is supporting the MLC’s launch with a ran ge of advice an d materials designed to help seafarers understan d an d apply it. These include a dedicated web area complete with advice an d Q&As at ; a new leaflet for all those working on cruise ships, The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 – what does it mean for cruise crews, which can be downloaded here; an d more, including the previously published, in-depth guide A seafarers’ bill of rights, available here . The ITF is also collaborating fully with the ILO’s welcoming publicity around the MLC, which can be seen at
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