Evelin Tomson
31 октября в 17:46 ·
ITF Dockers
Tremendous victory for our comrades in EMSA in Estonia
today with the Court ruling reinstating their shop steward Sergei Mastepan,
after 2 years of struggle, who was dismissed for nothing other than being a
union representative. Congratulations, your hard work and dedication paid off.
Great work comrades! Below is a short summary of the situation:
Victory!!! After all levels of possible appeals, Harju
County Court issued final ruling for @Transiidikeskus to reinstate our
shopsteward, 20+ years in service Sergey Mastepan who was sacked in 2015 on
false grounds because employer couldn't stand trade union and his attempts to
engage in collective bargaining.
Sergey and EMSA made labour movement history, in modern day
Estonia, for not everyone suffering injustice would have the sense of duty,
patience and means to carry on fighting a Top10 listed profitable company in
the country through the years of court proceedings for upholding the law.
Together we have done it!
The ITF and everyone of around 7000 colleagues who showed
solidarity to reinstate Sergey, boosted workers' morale and helped Sergey to
carry on fighting. We are grateful for this support! It is your victory, too!
Dockers in Transiidikeskus held celebratory meeting to
welcome him back and immediately re-elected him for their shopsteward, again.
Instead of wasting money on lawyers and further damage
company's battered reputation, EMSA leadership would recommend new manager to
invest time and effort into social dialogue and money for pay increase for
workers and improving health and safety in workplace what was the initial
reason for workers to organize.
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