Support grows for Norwegian dockers’ boycott
21 November 2013
ETF- an d ITF-affiliated tran sport unions from across Denmark, Sweden an d Norway have pledged their support to dockers in Risavika Terminal who are now in the second week of their boycott.
Members of the Norwegian Tran sport Workers’ Union (NTF) began action in Risavika, near Stavan ger, on 1 November, over the refusal of man agement to sign up to the national collective agreement covering dockworkers.
Instead employer Risavika Terminal AS, is said to be proposing to use seafarers to carry out cargo han dling duties, in direct contravention of the ITF dockers’ clause which states that ship’s crew should not carry out work historically or traditionally done by dockers.
During the Scan dinavian tran sport workers’ conference, 186 participan ts gave their full support to the NTF. In addition, dockers’ unions across Europe an d worldwide have rallied to back workers in Risavika since the boycott began . Letters of solidarity have been sent from unions across the ETF an d ITF regions.
A message from the NTF sent out to all ETF an d ITF affiliates this week also urged dockers’ unions across Europe an d worldwide, to be involved directly, or via lawful solidarity action, in a demonstration plan ned in Risavika on Wednesday 27 November.
Chair of the ETF dockers’ committee with NTF Terje Samuelsen said: “The support being given to dockers here in Norway is invaluable. The struggle for an agreement at Risavika is just one example of the attack on dockers in Europe an d around the world, an d stan ding together to face that kind of threat head on is crucial. Compan ies wan t to erode good working conditions in our docks, crush unions an d increase profits, but we can ’t an d won’t allow that to happen.”
For more on what you can do go to the solidarity page >>
Keep up to date on the latest developments in this dispute via the ITF Facebook page >>
ITF on Risavika: dockers’ work is dockers’ work!
Tunisian ITF unions call strike in face of workers’ rights abuses
21 November 2013
Tran sport sector workers in Tunisia have called a one-day strike on 12 December 2013 in response to the continuing erosion of workers’ rights.
ITF affiliates Fédération Nationale des Tran sports (FNT) an d Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail (UGTT) have jointly called on Tunisia’s supervisory authority to stop its attack on trade unions. It has also deman ded that all FNT/UGTT agreements must be recognised by the authority, that the culture of nepotism must be rejected in favour of tran sparent recruitment procedures, that the tran sport fleet must be renewed, an d that the sector will continue to reject all attempts at privatisation.
The one-day strike follows on from several alarming incidents earlier this year. Members of the General Union of Maritime an d Ports were reportedly gassed an d intimidated by police during a general strike in March. This was followed by the indefinite suspension of one of the workers, during which time his monthly salary, meal receipts an d medical treatment were withheld. In August, eight workers at Coast Tran sport Compan y who protested the harassment of their union general secretary were dismissed, demoted or suspended from work.
Bilal Malkawi, ITF Arab World regional secretary, backed the strike effort, saying: “Tran sport workers in Tunisia have kept the country moving since the beginning of the revolution in 2011. They’ve made man y sacrifices in the course of fulfilling their work. As the country continues to repair itself in the wake of significan t disruption, compan ies an d authorities in Tunisia must recognise the vital role that tran sport workers play in its recovery. The repression must stop – an d we back our affiliates all the way.”
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