As our unions get ready for Labour Day rallies, ETF Dockers’ chair Terje Samuelsen sends
a message to remind us why, this year more than ever, the 1st of May is a day
of struggle for European dockers.
‘Ports can still be very dangerous places to work, with far
too many accidents across Europe. Many dockers still do not enjoy a collective
bargaining agreement, leaving them at risk of social dumping. Shipping
companies keep trying to transfer lashing work to seafarers. Subcontracting undermines
working conditions, and the drive to automate port facilities is threatening
dockers’ jobs.
But it is not all bad news. Unions remain a strong voice
for dockers at work. In fact, we see a renewed interest from our members,
especially from young workers, to be directly involved in trade unions.
Activism is reenergised because workers feel the need for collective action to
manage the transition and shape the future of their professions. Our members
are fully aware that ports are changing, and they are ready to be part of the
change, too.
Contrary to other sectors, where technological change is
slower, automation is already a reality in European ports. However, there is no
meaningful policy to accompany the impact this technology has on ports, port
regions and port workers.
Our duty, as dockers’ trade unions, is to make sure that
workers do not pay the price of technological development. As ETF, we are
currently engaging in an ‘automation road show’: we meet our dockers and their
union reps to tell them what automation is, how it is being implemented in some
European ports, what the alternatives to automation are, what political actions
our unions and the ETF are taking to address it, and what we as port workers
can do to help soften the blow.
ETF affiliates are also taking concrete actions. The 1st of
May will mark the launch of a campaign
our German member ver.di, which calls for fair digitalisation and automation
processes in the maritime sectors. This is one of several similar initiatives
that are being prepared by our members.
future is coming, so it’s time to get prepared!
It is time for policymakers, employers, port authorities,
and other maritime stakeholders to wake up. They should take us seriously and
engage with us, as this is about our future.
We are
standing up to show that we are determined to shape that future!
We need to be leading these debates, so that appropriate
action is taken soon.
We must ensure a future in the sector for those currently
employed in ports.
We should prepare a fair transition for those who will lose
their jobs.
We need to discuss how to compensate the loss of tax income
caused by a reduction of jobs in port regions.
We need to question the need for new terminals and how
these should look.
As chair of the ETF Dockers Section, I meet port workers
from all over Europe. Their commitment to activism and their engagement with
the unions is inspiring to witness. They give me hope for our future.
If we
continue to stand together, there is no route to a future for European docks
without speaking to the dockers!'
© European Transport Workers' Federation
Galerie AGORA, Rue du Marché aux Herbes 105, Boîte 11, B -
1000 Bruxelles
+32 2 285 46 60 • •
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