Kõigil Töötajatel on Õigus olla esindatud Ametiühingu poolt!

Kõigil Töötajatel on Õigus olla esindatud Ametiühingu poolt!
У всех Работников есть Право быть представленными Профсоюзом!

среда, 30 сентября 2015 г.

Новость дня!

Новость дня!

Согласно свежему номеру «ТОР 500» Äripäev - пятьсот самых богатых жителей Эстонии,

Анатолий Канаев, владелец стивидорной компании в порту Мууга TRANSIIDIKESKUSE AS, занимает 17-ое место!!!


И в это же время, Работники TRANSIIDIKESKUSE AS за 2014 год, в среднем, потеряли до 13% годового дохода.

Причиной является - дезорганизацию труда на предприятии и неразумная политика отдела по персаналу TRANSIIDIKESKUSE AS.



Korruptsiooniskandaali sattunud Tallinki tütarfirmat toodi juhtima tuntud advokaat

29. september 2015 20:40

Erik Rand


Pärast Tallinna Sadama korruptsiooniskandaali sattumise järel HTG Investi juhatusest taandunud Eno Saare asemele asus ettevõtte juhatusse advokaat Tanel Kalaus.

Saar sai Tallinna Sadama juhtidega seotud altkäemaksuasjas kahtlustuse ning seetõttu kutsuti ta HTG Investi juhatusest tagasi.

Mõni aeg tagasi asus HTG Investi juhatuse liikmeks Kalaus, kes on advokaadina spetsialiseerunud peamiselt Eesti ja Euroopa Liidu konkurentsiõigusele ning Euroopa Liidu õigusele, kuid ta on lisaks tegelenud põhjalikult energeetika ja infrastruktuuri, sealhulgas veemajanduse ning elektroonilise side valdkondadega.

AS HTG Invest on 1998. aastal asutatud veoste ümberlaadimist teostav eraettevõte, mis kuulub Tallinkile. Ettevõte tegutseb Tallinna Sadama koosseisu kuuluvas Vanasadamas ning on suurim RO-RO laevade laadimise ja lossimise operaator Tallinnas.

HTG Investi nõukokku kuuluvad Lembit Kitter ja Ülo Kollo, nõukogu esimeheks on Toivo Ninnas.

Advokaadi toomine juhatusse meenutab Tallinna Sadamas korruptsiooniskandaali lahvatamise järel toimunut, mil ühes sadama juhatuse liikmeks kutsuti advokaat ja Tartu Ülikooli õppejõud Carri Ginter.

понедельник, 28 сентября 2015 г.

Kõigi transporditöötajate võrdne kohtlemine!


Õiglane transport Euroopas – kõigi transporditöötajate võrdne kohtlemine
Seadusandlikud ja muud kui seadusandlikud ettepanekud õiglase konkurentsi ja töötajate võrdse kohtlemise tagamiseks eri transpordiliikide lõikes.



Euroopa kodanikualgatuse „Õiglane transport Euroopas” eesmärk on lõpetada vastuvõetamatute äritavade kasutamine, mille tulemuseks on sotsiaalne ja palgadumping. Kutsume Euroopa Komisjoni üles tagama õiglase konkurentsi eri transpordiliikide lõikes ja töötajate võrdse kohtlemise (seoses võrdsete palga- ja töötingimustega) sõltumata nende päritoluriigist.

Lets make things better. Sign for Fair Transport.Bottom of Form



Equal working conditions and good jobs.

As long as we cannot send an apple, a pair of shoes or ourselves by email, we need the millions of transport workers who connect Europe. But working conditions in European transport are being challenged by a race to the bottom and unfair business practices by some companies, causing deplorable conditions for workers.







Fair Transport is fair competition, equal working conditions and good jobs.

Fair Transport benefits all of us. We need your support in a call for better legislation and enforcement of regulations in Europe.

Lets make things better. Sign for Fair Transport.


воскресенье, 27 сентября 2015 г.

Chairman of Tallinn Port

Competition to fill the position of Chairman of Tallinn Port has begun
Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 24.09.2015.

The Supervisory Board of Port of Tallinn has announced a competition to fill the position of Chairman of the Management Board of Port of Tallinn. The competition is being conducted by the personnel search company Amrop/Executive Search Baltics OÜ, reports BC port’s press service.

According to Remo Holsmer, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the candidates are expected to have, among other qualities, an impeccable business reputation. “In addition to being familiar with the fields of transit and logistics, an ability to understand the management structures of the Estonian state as the company’s owner and top manager work experience, the suitable candidate must also have an impeccable business reputation as passing a security check is needed.”

“We also expect the candidate to have a higher academic education, strategic thinking skills, high stress tolerance, good analytical skills and preferably the command of Estonian, English and Russian languages,” added Holsmer.

The competition is being conducted and suitable candidates will be contacted by the personnel search company Amrop/Executive Search Baltics OÜ. To set up your candidacy, please send your letter of intent and your Curriculum Vitae (CV) to the address ott.karolin@amrop.com, using the key phrase “TS Chairman of the Management Board”. More information is available from Mr Ott Karolin by calling the phone number +372 6408700.

The confidentiality of all participants will be ensured.

Port of Tallinn is a company owned by the Republic of Estonia; its strategic goal is to develop the competitiveness of Estonia as a maritime country. The activities of Port of Tallinn are divided mainly between the following areas: cargo and activities related to handling it; passengers and activities related to serving them; real estate development; shipping; energy industry. The company employs more than 300 people and its forecasted turnover in 2015 is ca 100 million euros.

Port of Tallinn undergoes special audit, gets new board
BC, Tallinn, 03.09.2015.
The council of Estonian state-owned port operator Tallinna Sadam (Port of Tallinn) convened for an extraordinary meeting on Thursday and decided to announce a competition to find two new members of the management board; before that, the company will undergo a special audit, LETA/Public Broadcasting reports.

"The new board must start with a clean slate, which is why before the election of the board, Port of Tallinn, in essence, goes through three in-depth inspections – in addition to the internal audit and the audit carried out by the temporary member of the board, lawyer Carri Ginter, a special audit will be carried out in the company by an independent auditing company. The auditor focuses on analyzing decisions made by the previous board and on and economic expediency," said Chairman of the Council of AS Tallinna Sadam Remo Holsmer.

Port of Tallinn temporary Board Member Carri Ginter confirmed that there are around ten companies that are involved in the corruption scandal. The other member of the Board, former Port of Tallinn Chief Financial Officer Marko Raid hinted that these ten companies are managed from 2-3 concerns.

Due to the ongoing investigation, the names of the companies cannot yet be revealed although some of them have been mentioned in the Estonian press.

Ginter confirmed that the contracts concluded between Port of Tallinn and other companies will be implemented inspite of everything.

Remo Holsmer said that despite the corruption case, the work of shipyards building the new island ferries for Estonia is in schedule.

Application for the job of board members of Port of Tallinn will end on 5 October. The new board will be chosen by a new council that will be appointed this month.

The by now former management of Estonian state-owned port operator company Tallinna Sadam (Port of Tallinn) is suspected of being involved in a large-scale corruption case. On August 26, Port of Tallinn manager Ain Kaljurand and board member Allan Kiil were arrested, suspected of taking major bribes over several years.

Cargo handling in the Baltic Seaports

Cargo handling in the Eastern Coast Baltic Seaports in January-August decreased by 0.6%
Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 23.09.2015.

In January-August 2015, the overall cargo handling in the Baltic Eastern Coast Seaports totalled 244 582,3 thou. tn; the year-on-year change is -0.6% or -1 553,9 thou. tn, reports BC Klaipeda port’s press service.

Cargo handling in the Eastern Coast Baltic Seaports, in thou. tn
Yoy change
Yoy change in thou. tn
01-08 of 2014
01-08 of 2015
246 136,2
244 582,3
-1 553,9
Ust Luga
49 434,0
57 118,6
7 684,6
37 292,8
38 796,6
1 503,8
Saint Petersburg
41 118,3
34 733,9
-6 384,4
26 664,2
26 748,9
Klaipeda Port
23 268,5
25 370,2
2 101,7
Butinges terminal
4 508,9
5 689,4
1 180,5
18 952,0
16 394,0
-2 558,0
19 433,4
15 222,2
-4 211,2
12 059,2
11 696,7
8 989,7
8 502,7
3 323,1
3 366,0
1 092,1

Container handling in the Eastern Coast Baltic Seaports, in TEU
Yoy change in%
Yoy change in TEU
01-08 of 2014
01-08 of 2015
Saint Petersburg
Ust Luga