Kõigil Töötajatel on Õigus olla esindatud Ametiühingu poolt!

Kõigil Töötajatel on Õigus olla esindatud Ametiühingu poolt!
У всех Работников есть Право быть представленными Профсоюзом!

понедельник, 29 января 2018 г.

Stevedores to Stage 24-Hour Strike at All Finnish Ports

Stevedores to Stage 24-Hour Strike at All Finnish Ports

Stevedores will stage a 24-hour strike at all ports in Finland on February 2 as part of a political protest against the government’s employment policies, a statement issued by Finish stevedoring company STEVECO says.

Stevedores, part of the Transport Workers’ Union (AKT), will take part in the protest from 6:00 a.m. February 2 to 6 a.m. February 3.

What is more, Finnish Seafarers’ Union (FSU) has urged all its members to participate in a protest at 11:00 a.m. on February 2 at the Senate Square in Helsinki.

AKT and FSU are affiliated to SAK, the Central Organization of Finnish Trade Unions which organizes the protest.

Trade unions in the country are opposing to the new unemployment security legislation which entered into force at the beginning of this year. SAK stresses the new law is “another cut in unemployment security.”

From the beginning of the year, unemployed people must report their progress in job-seeking to the unemployment fund or the Social Insurance Institution (Kela) quarterly. The unemployment fund or Kela can then consider whether they have been active enough in finding employment or not.

Should they decide someone has not done enough to seek out employment, the benefit will be cut by 4.65 percent for the next three months.

World Maritime News Staff

Докеры проведут 24-часовую забастовку во всех портах Финляндии

Докеры проведут 24-часовую забастовку во всех портах Финляндии 2 февраля в рамках политического протеста против политики правительства в области занятости, говорится в заявлении стивидорной компании Finie StEVECO.

Докеры, входящие в Федерацию Профсоюзов Работников Транспорта Финляндии (АКТ), примут участие в протесте с 6:00 утра 2-го февраля до 6:00 утра 3-го февраля.

Более того, Профсоюз Моряков Финляндии (SМU) призвал всех своих членов принять участие в акции протеста 2-го февраля в 11:00 на Сенатской площади в Хельсинки.

AKT и SМU являются аффилированными членами SAK, Центральной Организации Профсоюзов Финляндии, которая организует протест.

Профсоюзы в стране выступают против нового законодательства о «модели активности», которое вступило в силу в начале этого года.

SAK подчеркивает, что новый закон является «еще одним сокращение уровня защиты безработного».

С начала года безработные должны сообщать о своем прогрессе в поиске работы в Фонд по безработице или в Институте социального страхования (Кела) ежеквартально.

Фонд по безработице или Kela могут затем рассмотреть, были ли они достаточно активны в поиске работы или нет.

Если они решат, что кто-то достаточно не был активен, чтобы найти работу, пособие будет сокращено на 4,65 процента в течение следующих трех месяцев.

Stevedores to Stage 24-Hour Strike at All Finnish Ports

в Хельсинки шестьсот профсоюзных лидеров обсуждали методы борьбы за отмену спорного закона. По их мнению, безработный нуждается не в наказании, а в мотивации, поддержке и качественных услугах Службы занятости.

Ранее Центральное объединение профсоюзов объявило о намерении провести политическую акцию против модели активности на Сенатской площади Хельсинки в следующую пятницу.

Союз строителей и профсоюз AKT объявили о забастовке в знак протеста против принятия «модели активности»

четверг, 18 января 2018 г.

Streigi algus oleks 29. jaanuaril kell kuus hommikul

Helsingin Sanomat avaldas kolmapäeval uudise, et Soome transpordiametiühingute liit AKT ja Soome meremeeste ametiühing SMU ähvardavad alustada streiki viies sadamas, juhul kui sadamaettevõtted ei alusta läbirääkimisi nendes sadamates töötavate kümnekonna töötajaga  kollektiivlepingu sõlmimiseks.

Tööandjate liidu andmetel on need viis sadamat Oulu,Turku,Naantali, Kokkola ja Rauma.

Kuigi Soome suurimad sadamad Helsinki, Kotka ja Hamina esialgu streigis ei osale, oleks streigil suur mõju, sest läbi nende viie sadama kulgeb 20-30 % kogu Soome ekspordist.

Streigi algus oleks 29. jaanuaril kell kuus hommikul, juhul kui osapooled enne seda läbirääkimisi ei alusta. Esimesena alustaksid streiki kraanajuhid ja sadamavalve, mis sisuliselt tähendaks sadamate tegevuse täielikku peatumist.

Tööandjate liidu arvates oleks streik Soomele kriitilise tähtsusega, sest Oulu ja Kokkola sadamad on eriti olulised metsatööstusele, teised jälle tehnoloogia-ja metallitööstusele.

Kummagi poole esindajad peaksid kohtuma lähipäevadel.

Tõlge: R. Siniallik.

Helsingin Sanomien haastattelema AKT:n neuvotteleva sopimussihteeri Juha Anttila ei halunnut ottaa asiaan mitään kantaa.

AKT ja Merimiesunioni uhkaavat sulkea viisi satamaa. Takarajana neuvotteluille on presidentinvaalin jälkeinen maanantai.

АКТ и SMU угрожают закрыть пять портов.

Промышленные битвы угрожают закрыть пять портов –

Союз работодателей: «Это очень важный вопрос для нас и для Финляндии»,

АКТ и SMU угрожают закрыть пять портов.

Стороны вернутся к переговорам в понедельник, после президентских выборов.

Helsingin Sanomat в среду, 17.01.2018, была опубликована новость, что Федерация Транспортных Работников АКТ и Профсоюз Моряков Финляндии SMU  угрожают начать забастовку в пяти портах, если портовые компании не начнут переговоры по коллективному договору покрывающему десятки работников в этих портах.

По данным Союза работодателей, эти пять портов - Оулу, Турку, Наантали, Коккола и Раума.

Хотя крупнейшие финские порты в Хельсинки, Котка и Хамина вначале не участвуют в забастовке, забастовка будет иметь большое влияние, поскольку через эти пять портов идут 20-30% всего финского экспорта.

Начало забастовки состоится 29 января, в шесть утра, если стороны не начнут переговоры до этого времени.

Первыми начнут забастовку крановщики и охрана портов, что, по сути, означает остановку всей работы в порту.

Союз работодателей считает, что забастовка будет иметь критическое  значение для Финляндии, поскольку порты Оулу и Коккола особенно важны для лесной промышленности. Порты Юго-Западной Финляндии, в свою очередь, являются центральными в области технологий и металлургической промышленности.

Представители обеих сторон должны встретиться в ближайшие дни.

Юха Анттила, секретарь делегации переговорщиков АКТ, опрошенный Helsingin Sanomat, не хочет останавливаться на достигнутом.

AKT ja Merimiesunioni uhkaavat sulkea viisi satamaa. Takarajana neuvotteluille on presidentinvaalin jälkeinen maanantai.

пятница, 5 января 2018 г.

The Tallinn-Helsinki tunnel ?

Study on feasibility of Tallinn-Helsinki tunnel to be ready in February

BC, Tallinn, 04.01.2018.

A study on the profitability, cost and possible route of the Tallinn-Helsinki tunnel is to be completed at the beginning of February 2018, the Aktuaalne Kaamera newscast of the public broadcaster ERR reports, cites LETA/BNS.

Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas said in an interview to ERR that he is to meet with his Finnish colleague Juha Sipila in a couple of weeks to discuss the tunnel.

According to Ratas, Estonian and Finnish governments are to start really handling the topic of the tunnel.

"We will meet with the Finnish prime minister and discuss the real capacity of and the need for the tunnel. This tunnel would join Rail Baltic and the Finnish railway, and would add a lot to the economic environment," Ratas said in the interview.

Sipila's advisor Riikka Pakarinen told the newscast that the heads of government are to meet this spring, after the tunnel study is published.

The results of the first stage project are to be published on Feb. 7.

The Tallinn-Helsinki tunnel would be an underwater construction with a length of 90 kilometers. A train would reach from one capital city to another in about half an hour.

Tallink's December passenger numbers grow 6.2% on year

Tallink's December passenger numbers grow 6.2% on year

BC, Tallinn, 03.01.2018.

Ships of the listed Estonian shipper AS Tallink Grupp carried 815,300 passengers in December 2017, 6.2% more than during the same month in 2016, reports LETA/BNS.

The number of cargo units carried during the month grew 10% year over year to 28,315 and of vehicles 0.6% to 87,700.

The number of passengers carried in the final quarter of the year was 2.3 million, 4% more than during the same three-month period in 2016. The number of transported cargo units increased 14.1% to 97,300 units but the number of passenger vehicles decreased 0.8% to 254,000 year over year, the company told the stock exchange.

Passengers carried between Estonia and Finland in December numbered 435,500, marking an increase of 5.5%, and cargo units numbered 17,900, up 12.3%. The number of passenger cars meanwhile declined 0.4% to 67,000. In the fourth quarter, the number of passengers on the Estonia-Finland route grew 2.6% to 1.2 million, cargo units were up 16.1% at 61,700, and the number of passenger cars dropped 2.4% to 195,900.

On the Estonia-Sweden route the number of passengers in December increased 6.6% year over year to 86,500 and the number of passengers in the final quarter of the year grew 6.1% to 236,700. The number of cargo units decreased by 2% to 3,300 in December but grew 1.2% to 11,500 in the final quarter of the year.

Of passenger cars respectively 4.3% and 4.9% fewer were carried on the Estonia-Sweden route in December and the final quarter of the year.

On the Finland-Sweden route the number of passengers grew 4.3% to 232,300 in December and 1.4% to 685,100 in the final quarter of the year. The number of cargo units grew by 5.8% over year for December and by 7.3% for the fourth quarter to respectively 5,980 and 20,100. Of cars 9,963 were carried in December, 10.1% more than in December 2016, and 26,288 in the fourth quarter, 2.6% more than in the fourth quarter of 2016.

On the Latvia-Sweden route the number of passengers grew 19.5% to 60,860 in December and 26.9% to 167,100 in the final quarter of the year. Cargo units carried on that route grew 44.3% over year to 1,154 units in December and 89.3% to 4,116 units in the final quarter.

Cars carried on the Latvia-Sweden route numbered 5,600 in December and 16,100 in the fourth quarter, marking increases of respectively 2.5% and 22%.

In the disclosure of passenger and cargo statistics to the stock exchange, Tallink highlighted several events that had an effect on the company's operations in the reporting period. Specifically, on Jan. 29, 2017 the new LNG fast ferry Megastar started operating Tallink Shuttle service on the Tallinn-Helsinki route, replacing the fast ferry Superstar. In December 2016, the cruise ferry Silja Europa started operating on the Tallinn-Helsinki route, replacing the cruise ferry Baltic Queen.

In December 2016, the cruise ferry Baltic Queen started operating on the Tallinn-Stockholm route, replacing the cruise ferry Romantika. Cruise ferry Romantika started operating on Riga-Stockholm route in December 2016 as a second ship next to the cruise ferry Isabelle.

Baltic Ports: Klaipeda, Riga, Ventspils.

Klaipeda port sets new freight record in 2017

BC, Vilnius, 03.01.2018.

The Lithuanian port of Klaipeda set a new cargo handling record in 2017 – reloading nearly 43 million tons of freight, which is an increase of 2016 results by over 7%, reports LETA/BNS.

"The final loading results can still change, as some vessels that arrived at the end of December are still being loaded. In any case, the port has set a new loading record. This result encourages us to brace up and work to keep the same level this year," Dovile Ringis, spokeswoman for the port, told BNS.

According to preliminary results, the port handled 42.99 million tons of freight over 2017, a rise by 7.1%, from 40.13 million tons, in the year before, which was also a new record at the time.

In December alone, the port's handling operations expanded by 13.6% to 3.77 million tons year-on-year.

Detailed freight loading results should be published next week.

Riga Freeport projects 4% turnover drop in 2018; investments - EUR 50 mln

BC, Riga, 02.01.2018.

The Riga Freeport plans a 4% turnover drop in 2018, and investments in development are planned at EUR 49.7 million, the port’s representative Vita Gerharde reported LETA.

She explained that when planning this year’s budget revenues, a cautious forecast of cargo turnover was considered, based on plans submitted by stevedore companies.

"The overall cargo turnover is planned at 30 million tons, which is by 4% lower compared to last year," said Gerharde.

In line with the port’s board decision, the port’s administration budget this year is planned at EUR 43 million.

Riga Freeport administration this year will continue the launched investment projects in Krievu Sala and Kundzinsala, said Gerharde.

"The projects aimed at promoting the port’s competitiveness. Investments this year will grow more than three times compared to 2017," she said.

As reported, in the first 11 months of 2017, the Riga Freeport reloaded 31.117 million tons of cargo, down 6.7% year-on-year.

Riga port is the largest Latvian port by cargo turnover and passenger numbers.

Cargo turnover of Ventspils port terminals rose by 7% in 2017

BC, Riga, 05.01.2018.

The terminals based in the north-western Latvian port of Ventspils reloaded 20.04 million tons of cargo in 2017, which is 7% more than a year before, the port’s spokeswoman Inga Ievina told LETA.

In December 2017, the Ventspils port terminals reloaded 1.5 million tons of cargo in what was the best monthly cargo turnover result in half a year.

The steepest annual growth in 2017 was recorded in the segment of coal cargos and the traffic of ro-ro cargos continued to show steady growth as well.

The port’s spokeswoman informed that Stena Lina ferry operator continued to raise the turnover of both cargos and passengers carried via Ventspils. In 2017, the company set a new record of ferry passengers as 209,894 people were carried on the Ventspils- Nynashamn ferry line, which is a 30% increase against 2016. The turnover of ro-ro cargos on the ferry line grew 17% year-on-year to 2.1 million tons in 2017.

While some of the terminals operating at the Freeport of Ventspils managed to increase their cargo turnover last year, others continued to see a decline in cargo traffic. Kalija Parks was the least active terminal in Ventspils as it only reloaded 206,000 tons of cargo in 2017, which means that it was using 3% of its reloading capacity, or nearly 50% less than in 2016, the port’s representatives said.

Ventspils is Latvia’s second largest port by cargo turnover.

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